A moving inventory list may seem like a lot of work, but it is essential for an international move. A good inventory list will help you keep track of your belongings, ensure that nothing gets lost or damaged in transit, and make the customs process much smoother. Here are some tips for making a thorough inventory list.
A list of all the important things in your home is called inventory. It also comes along with information about their condition and a rough estimate of their value. Even though it might seem like a lot of work, doing this before moving abroad alone or unpacking could save you money in the long run.
What Is Exactly Moving Inventory?
A moving inventory is a list of all the significant items in your home, along with information on their condition and approximate value. Even while it may seem laborious, doing this before you move, unpack, or purchase renters or homeowners insurance could end up saving you money in the long term. Not to mention how it can help you move efficiently and assist you in deciding what to pack.
The more information you can provide when creating your household inventory, the better. Furniture is always a good place to start, then gadgets, appliances, and other room-accessorizing goods, such as lamps, area rugs, and other knick knacks. Valuables should also be included. Consider additional high-value objects in addition to jewelry, such as collections (baseball cards, porcelain figurines, coins), works of art, and other such goods.
Why Are They Important?
A house inventory is one of the most important documents a homeowner should create. Even if you aren’t relocating, home inventories give you useful information about your stuff. However, if you are planning to live overseas, here are some of the many advantages of making an exhaustive house inventory.
Making a Claim for Damaged or Lost Goods With a Moving Company
If you hire a relocation company and it mishandles your goods (relocation scammers who won’t prevent things from breaking), you’re entitled to compensation. You must submit a claim describing the damage that occurred during the relocation and the state of each item before the move. A house inventory will be very helpful in demonstrating the truth of your claim.
Filling up a Homeowners Insurance Application
Even if you aren’t moving internationally, having a home inventory can indeed be helpful if there is an emergency. You can use the inventory to support your insurance claim if a natural disaster damages your house and your belongings.
Better Packing and Planning
You can organize the relocation abroad process better if you have a more thorough understanding of the contents of your rooms. This also means the preparations for the relocation day will be a breeze, as well. Better box packing and a more well-planned move are the results of this improved method. It will also help you minimize and declutter.
Until you take an accurate inventory of your possessions, you frequently don’t realize how much unnecessary stuff and clutter is accumulated. By doing an inventory of your possessions, you can get rid of anything you don’t need or want. At the same time, you can do something good and help people in need by donating your stuff to Goodwill.
Keeping Track of the Stuff
This step is important because relocating is a challenging and frequently chaotic process. You’ll need to coordinate the packing of family members for the trip, the hauling of inventory boxes by movers, and any additional last-minute activities. In a situation such as this, it can be pretty easy for a box to get lost, improperly packed, or even tossed out with the trash.
As items are placed onto the truck, a thorough inventory can keep everything organized and in its proper place. So, ensure you have this task on your to-do list and avoid relocation stress as much as possible.
Estimating the Cost of Your Relocation
Besides choosing the best time of the year, relocation cost depends on your total cargo and the distance. However, if you’re relocating on a low budget, making an inventory of the items in your room will provide you with the first step toward constructing a more precise international relocation cost estimate.
Considering there is always a possibility of loss or damage to your cargo during transport, no matter how well you pack everything, keeping a detailed record of your belongings can be a lifesaver. With that in mind, start organizing right away and ensure yourself enough time to create a detailed catalog of your stuff.

When Should You Start Creating a List?
Whether or not they are relocating across the world, all homeowners should have a moving list of items they possess. Take inventory far before packing if you’re relocating. You can make a rough packing list and downsize along the way by taking inventory early. By eliminating waste from the relocation process, you’ll have less work overall, and packing will be a lot less unpleasant.
Even when you have professional help with efficient packing services, it doesn’t mean you should leave this task for the last minute. So, right after you find a trustworthy international moving company, ensure you first create a thorough catalog of your belongings. It will give you much-needed peace of mind, especially when relocating for the first time. If that’s the case, you should check out the video below for some tips on how to manage the relocation timeline.

How Can You Make an Inventory?
Although creating an inventory can take some time, it will ultimately save you more time. Additionally, the headache it will prevent, as well as the peace of mind it provides, will make the work worthwhile. Don’t make this one of the things you forget to do before relocating.
The moving box inventory can be created and organized using a variety of tools, including pen and paper, Google Sheets, and Microsoft Excel. If you use a digital form, it might save you some time, but you can’t go wrong using a traditional method. The only relocation mistake you can make is not creating a catalog at all.
Describe Your List
Once you’ve made the decision to relocate, it’s time to organize. Start by making an outline of the list. The more descriptive it is, the easier the wrapping process will be. For example, if you’re dealing with items from the bedroom, ensure you write exactly where each object was and where it will probably go in your new home.

Go One Room at the Time
Sort the products into categories as you go, room by room. At the same time, you can decide what to keep. When it comes to categories, one of the relocation tips is to start with those that include the heaviest or largest things, like furniture or appliances. Keep your details precise, definite, and in-depth.
In general, it’s also advisable to use more specialized, unique categories over general, broad ones. For instance, you should have multiple categories that more precisely group your precious objects, such as “collectibles,” “jewelry,” and “decorative station,” rather than just one like “valuables.”
To avoid a cluttered sheet, keep in mind that you can group inexpensive, numerous goods. For instance, you wouldn’t write an entry for each of your 20 shirts – listing “20 shirts” is good enough. Remember that you shouldn’t use this technique on expensive objects. Instead, make a list of everything you think is valuable, with as much precise pricing information as you can.

What Information Should Be Included in a List?
When moving overseas, categorizing your assets and entering them into the inventory is a must. It will provide all relevant information and keep you organized. Consider putting the following components on your item list:
- Name and details – Name the item as precisely as you can. If it’s a book, use its title. If the item is a complicated type with several brands and models (such as a computer or TV), list all of the makers and models, along with the years of production.
- Cost at purchase – It tells how much money you spent on the thing. If you don’t have a receipt, you might try researching the item’s price. In every other case, give your best guess.
- Present situation – Give a detailed description of the item’s condition, including a note of any obvious flaws such as fading, cracks, and chips.
- Calculated value – Estimate the current cost of the item using your best judgment. You should try to learn the current online rate if a particular item, such as an antique, has accumulated value over time. A professional evaluation of expensive objects, such as jewels, rare weaponry, or autographed artwork, may also be something you want. Include the item’s appraisal and value documents in the inventory in these situations.
- Packaging details – This data set specifies the packing of an item and the safety measures used to ensure its shipment. Include the name of the box it was packed in, the room it belongs in, any distinctive markings on it, and the location of the box.
- Notes – Include in this section any other details you deem important, such as additional product descriptions, special safety instructions, serial numbers, and packing materials.
- Checklist for home inventory – This can be a number on the actual inventory or a different inventory sheet. The columns on this page, such as “loaded,” “unloaded,” and “all items present,” serve as a checklist for every box. By utilizing this inventory checklist, you can ensure that every box is present and correct at every stage of the transfer.
It’s not enough just to create a catalog of your stuff if you want to do this like a pro. You should also know how to describe your possessions when the relocation day comes.
Are There Some Apps That Can Help You With the Process?
A number of home inventory applications can make creating a relocation catalog of your belongings much simpler, especially if you’re not the most organized person.
- Magic Home Inventory is an Android software that helps users organize their moving inventory by allowing them to generate lists by room, container, type of item, or even a colorful chart. You may effortlessly change stuff from one list to another and add images to them.
- My Stuff is an IOS-only app that allows you to list everything by room or collection and arrange your possessions. Lists based on collections, rooms, and specific items can be printed, as well.
- Nest Egg – Inventory is another iOS-only app that allows you to list everything by area or group objects into collections. Scannable barcodes on packages make it easy to add photos and product details.
While you can create the checklists by yourself, it is much simpler to use the power of technology and make the entire process easier with some of the top-notch apps. All you have to do is download them on your smartphone.

Move Like a Pro and Don’t Forget a Single Thing With Thorough Inventory Lists
A thorough inventory list is essential for an international move. By taking the time to create a detailed room-by-room list of all your belongings (including photos and descriptions), you can rest assured that nothing will get lost or damaged in transit. Be sure to update your list regularly so that it is always accurate, and moving will be a breeze!