How-to January 4, 2023

How to Get a Job Before You Move to Another Country

There’s a lot on your mind when the time to move comes, and that’s completely normal, no matter if it’s going to a nearby city or moving overseas. But it’s one thing to pack up your stuff and a completely different thing to figure out how to get a job before you move. However, everything is possible when you think ahead and put an effective plan in place.

Trying to find work once you’ve settled in your new place is great when you can afford to do it. But if finding a job before moving is what you have to do, you should commit to your search and develop an effective networking strategy well in advance. You’ll be considered alongside local candidates, so be prepared to take it a step further in showing your potential employer you are right for the position. So, let’s talk about how you can set your career on the right path even before you get there.

How Much Money Should I Save to Move Without a Job?

If you’re not relocating because of work, you’ve probably found yourself researching the potential locations and wondering all sorts of things – How do I move to a new place without a job? Should I get a job before I move? How do I get a job if I want to relocate? Well, everything depends on your circumstances. If you can afford to go without a paycheck for a couple of months, it’s probably best to take care of your packing services and get settled before you start searching for work.

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However, if you are relocating on a low budget, it’s probably time to start thinking about getting a job before moving. So, take care of the logistics of the move as soon as possible, especially if you’re moving abroad alone. When you get this covered, you can focus on the more important things. Keep in mind that landing your dream position will take time, so start the search early and also think about your options for cutting the living expenses until then. Here are a few possibilities:

  • Find a part-time position – it’s a great way to become financially secure for the time being, and the flexible working hours will leave you with enough free time to plan out your next steps,
  • Find jobs that will help you develop your skills – these positions are known as bridge jobs, and while they’re also a temporary solution, they can be a great stepping stone towards your dream goals,
  • Crash at a friend’s place – if you are not set on living alone, maybe you have someone in the new city that you could borrow a couch from. It’s a great way to not stress about rent for the time being and settle in before you do anything else.

There Are a Lot of Benefits to Figuring Out How to Get a Job Before Moving

Now that we’ve covered the options to cut the costs if you are not able to land your desired position on time, let’s talk about the benefits of securing it before the relocation day preparations. Obviously, you will start earning money right away, which is especially beneficial if you are thinking about living overseas.

Even if you have some money saved up, it’s always better to maintain your savings rather than to suck them dry while waiting for a company to hire you. Securing a position before you get to your destination will also give you peace of mind and reduce your relocation stress. Once you are there, you’ll be able to spend time on the more fun stuff, like making new friends as well as keeping in touch with the old ones back home.

Should I Find a Job or a House First? Having Proof of Income Will Make It Easier to Find a Home

You are probably wondering – Should I find a job or an apartment first? One of the biggest benefits of finding a job before relocating is having an easier time securing housing because you will be able to show proof of income. So, no matter if you are relocating to a big city nearby or planning to move abroad, having an offer letter from your employer can serve as proof that you can afford the place and that you are here to stay.

couple of friends packing
When you secure a position, it will be easier to find housing in your chosen destination

How to Get a Job Before You Move – Start With LinkedIn, Your New Best Friend

If you’re still not set on the destination, researching jobs in your particular field can help nudge you in the right direction. If you are thinking about finding work abroad, it might be a little trickier to scope out the best places to live, but when you are committed to your search, you will surely find what you are looking for. That’s why you should use online search tools such as LinkedIn to your advantage – consider it a part of your daily routine.

Every experienced job-hunter knows that it’s all about getting your name out there. It might have been easy finding connections in your hometown, but doing so in an unfamiliar city has its challenges, especially if you’re moving internationally. You’ll have to take care of overseas vehicle shipping, get over the culture shock, and deal with breaking the language barrier. Put networking on top of that, and it almost seems impossible. That’s why it’s important to start researching and networking on time.

Here are some strategies you should consider, and keep in mind it’s best to combine them to ensure a successful result:

Contact Local Departments and Recruiters to Get a Picture of the Landscape

It’s a good idea to contact the local chamber of commerce and different economic development offices in order to get a clearer picture of the employment opportunities in the area. You will be able to figure out what sectors are developed and if there are any salary differences between the new city and your current residence. Also, you should consider contacting recruiters for companies in your industry – they will be a useful resource for information and might even recommend you to an employer.

Use LinkedIn to Connect to the Best People in Your Field

Set the location on your profile to your new ZIP code, and you will turn up in the search results when the companies in your particular field are hiring. You will also be able to see what kind of offers are available and find people who work in the same industry. It’s a good idea to contact some of them and start a casual conversation – you never know what doors it can open for you. Also, joining the location-specific groups on LinkedIn for your field and contributing to the discussions is a great way to build your network.

Attend Online and Offline Networking Events to Meet the Right People

Attending networking events and conferences is one of the best ways to meet professionals from your industry. But flying in and out while you are figuring out the relocation essentials or how to pack fragile items is not ideal. If you’re not able to attend these conferences physically, you can always look up which of them are held online. It’s a good idea to also check with local universities if they have some sort of agreement with your alma mater.

Finding a Company That Aligns With Your Values and Life Aspirations Is Important

With a well-thought-out plan and a strategic approach, you will surely stumble upon a couple of companies that might be the right fit for you. At the same time, there’s a bigger chance for you to pop up on the radar of those companies. When you’ve got a couple of options to choose from, it’s best to do your research on each of them before applying.

So, make a list of a couple of potential companies and get as much information as you can about their profile and hiring process. Look at their official website, recent media coverage, and who their investors are. You will get a clearer picture of what their goals are and will be able to figure out if it’s the right fit. Researching the company thoroughly will also help you when the time to do the interview comes. But before you start applying, there are a few things to check.

Schmidt International Relocations
Take time to research whether a certain company's goals align with yours

Before You Pack Your Documents, Think About if Your Resume Needs Some Freshening Up

Before you start applying for jobs, it’s a good idea to check and see if there’s anything you should add to your resume. Keep in mind that your CV should provide information about your background and qualifications in an easy-to-read format. So, besides adding any new relevant information to your resume, think about how you can make it brief but still highlight your field of expertise.

Mention Your Relocation Circumstances in Your Cover Letter

Most employers will ask for a cover letter in which you need to explain why you are the perfect candidate for the position in question and why you are passionate about working for this particular company. This kind of procedure ensures the employer that you’re not planning to work there just to earn a living, so keep that in mind.

You are probably wondering – Can you get a job without an address? Sure, you can, but it is important to address your relocation head-on. Keep in mind that you will probably be considered alongside local candidates, which will be much easier to reach. So, take care of that unfair disadvantage by shortly explaining your reasons for relocation, and add a potential arrival date so they know when you can start working. Here’s a helpful video for perfecting your cover letter:

YouTube video

Focusing on What Attracted You to the Position Is the Key to a Successful Interview

As we’ve mentioned, your current situation might negatively impact your chances of getting the call, but that’s why you should go the extra mile in showing why you are perfect for the position. So, be completely honest and address the relocation both in your letter and on the day of your interview. Being honest and showing flexibility when it comes to scheduling interviews, both online and offline, will ensure the potential employer that you’re fully committed to this opportunity.

If you’ve done your research right, by the day of the interview, you will know the company inside and out. This will help you a lot when the time for the interview comes because you will know exactly what attracted you to this position, as well as what positive traits you can bring to the table in order to improve the company’s growth. These should be some of the main points you will go over in your interview, so make sure to think about your answers in advance.

man looking for a job
If you do your research thoroughly, the interview will be no problem

When You’ve Landed the Position, It’s Time to Pack and Get Ready for the Next Chapter of Your Life

If you’ve taken care of everything we discussed, with a bit of luck, you will be able to land your dream position sooner or later. But before you start figuring out what to pack when relocating abroad, contact an international moving company because it will surely make all of your relocation anxiety go away. Once you’ve figured out the details of international moving, it’s time to learn the language and get excited about this great adventure.

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